I am a local parent, teacher and artist, grateful to be living here on beautiful Djaara country. I’m also a recent union delegate and passionate advocate for workers’ rights and public education.
I love our community and our environment. I’m motivated to stand for Council because we need a council that is willing to be bold on the issues that matter most: cost of living, housing, environment and our local community services. The only way we are going to get that action is if there are passionate, progressive councillors representing our community. We face so many challenges. At a national and state level we are being failed by our governments. With run-away housing and cost-of-living increases, growing inequality and insufficient response to the climate crisis, we need our governments to be doing better. At a local level this means meeting the unique needs of the communities of Mount Alexander and building our resilience. Please support and back the candidates who will give us the leadership we need.
It’s been such a privilege and a pleasure getting to know the Castlemaine community better over the campaign period. Moonlight Creek is an overwhelmingly progressive, switched-on and ambitious ward, with strong connections to our local environment. I look forward to representing you and working with you to make our shire as good as it can be.
Please follow my campaign at www.facebook.com/lucasmaddockgreens
Formed during the early stages of COVID-19, the Castlemaine Commons collective works responsively and locally hosting events & discussions - fostering new ways of communication, community connection, sense making, catalysing action and creating collective future visions.
We are also part of the newly formed First Nations Solidarity Network - Liyanganyuk Banyul. As non-Indigenous community members we understand it is our responsibility to walk together in right relationship with a commitment to truth telling. We know that when First Peoples are supported to thrive, we all thrive.
Since the referendum we have seen an increase in racism in schools and across our community. How will you address this division and ensure there is accountability and transparency about the learning and truth telling that is needed?
Council can and should lead the change we need to address racism in our community. I'm committed to First Nations justice, in which learning and truth telling are vital. Schools and our education institutions must provide culturally safe and appropriate learning environments for all, especially First Nations people. First Nations people are best placed to direct and lead what this looks like. I'm committed to working with First Nations groups to understand the best way to address racism and promote inclusiveness. Where state and Federal institutions fail our community, including in schools, Council should be playing a key role in articulating shortfalls and advocating for solutions.
To inform your leadership decisions, will you personally commit to ongoing learning about anti-racism, truth telling and colonisation?
I will enthusiastically support any ongoing learning about anti-racism, truth telling and colonisation.
Would you support offering and increasing professional development for all Council staff in cultural awareness and anti-racism, and making this a requirement of both Councillors and the Executive team within Council?
Council has a responsibility to provide safe and inclusive work environments. They also have a responsibility to model good leadership to our broader community. Cultural awareness training is key to understanding the often unconscious privileges, prejudices, unconscious biases, which is vital for a racism-free workplace.
Djaara (Dja Dja Wurrung Clans Aboriginal Corporation) and Nalderun Education Aboriginal Organisation provide an important contribution to this community. Will you commit to strengthening the collaborative relationships and support that has been built between MASC and these organisations as well as with other local First Nations led enterprises and organisations?
This may be through increasing funding from MASC for programs run by Nalderun Education Aboriginal Organisation, such as the Me-Mandook Bush Tucker Education Place, increasing advocacy and in-kind support, increased partnerships and meaningful relationship building.
These relationships are vital and Council should always be working towards strengthening them.
As you are settling into your Council role later this year, the Victorian Treaty process will be entering into an important stage of Statewide Treaty negotiations, with local Traditional Owner Treaties commencing soon after.
What role do you envision MASC playing in the Treaty process, and how can you support local Treaty negotiations in partnership with local Traditional Owners, Elders and First Nations Leaders?
Preparing MASC for local Traditional Owner Treaty negotiations may include, for example, development of a discussion paper on how Council can engage with the Treaty Negotiation Framework.
I will always take the lead from traditional Owners, Elders and First Nations Leaders as to the best way to advance the Victorian Treaty process. I will support any practical measure which will advance this process and support First Nations Justice.
Will you write to the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria and the Treaty Authority, the independent body that oversees Treaty-making in Victoria, to express the Shire’s desire to be party to future Traditional Owner Treaties?
I will support any practical initiative from First Nations groups which will promote and further efforts towards Traditional Owner Treaties. I will work with Council and Councillors towards supporting Traditional Owner Treaties and advocating to First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria and the Treaty Authority as such.
Castlemaine Community House (CCH) provides programs and activities contributing to community development and supporting individuals and groups within the local community.
CCH is:
How will you maintain strong connections and ensure you keep in touch with your constituents?
Meeting and connecting with the communities of Moonlight Creek has been the most enjoyable part of my campaign. I love talking to people, hearing about their experiences and ideas, and workshopping the issues that matter most to them. I will continue to make myself available through regular, formal and informal listening posts, and will continue to knock on community doors to canvas feedback on the issues that matter most to this community. I also welcome feedback and input from all constituents and groups at any time by emailing lucas.maddock@vic.greens.org.au.
How effective are you at collaborating with people who may have different perspectives and values?
As an adult-educator in TAFEs, universities and community organisations, I have worked effectively with very broad cross-sections of our society. I have always recognised and appreciated the differing perspectives in any teaching groups and have been committed to listening to and understanding them. I believe strongly in the power of respectful dialogue and communication to reach consensus, even where there may be significant differences. I look forward to bringing this into the Councillor role.
In your view, what contributes to a resilient community, and how can the council support that?
A diverse, equitable and healthy community is a resilient community. Council can support diversity by ensuring inclusiveness, most importantly in decision making roles. It can promote equitable outcomes by adjusting its operations in recognition of the differing abilities and privileges of our community members. Council can promote healthy communities by helping to address housing and cost of living stress, providing vital services, and promoting culture and recreation.
Castlemaine Pride is a volunteer-led community group that organises the Pride Festival each year. The community grew out of the local grassroots movement in support of marriage equality. They continue to support and connect the local LGBTQIA+ community and advocate for the safety and inclusion of LGBTQIA+ people in the Mount Alexander Shire.
Things should be getting better for LGBTQIA+ young people but, alarmingly, in 2024 discrimination and hate speech is on the rise. 66% of LGBTQIA+ youth in Australia still experience discrimination just for being who they are.
If elected to council, do you commit to engaging with and supporting LGBTQIA+ youth to create a Discrimination Action Plan in our Shire?
Our council should be doing everything it can to work towards a discrimination-free shire. I will support any practical measure to work towards this.
A key gap in Australia is the lack of population-level information and service data that adequately reflects trans and gender-diverse people. Ideally the whole Shire should be a safe space for our trans and gender diverse community.
If elected to council, do you commit to ensure trans and gender diverse people receive equal opportunities, have access to safe spaces, and effective healthcare services?
I am committed to achieving equality for every person in the LGBTIQA+ community. I’m committed to working towards an inclusive and equitable society. Everyone has the right to safe spaces, and effective healthcare services and equal outcomes. LGBTIQA+ people continue to face discrimination which makes these ever more important.
Not one candidate in the Mt Alexander Shire elected in 2020, fully supported the ‘Rainbow Local Government’ pledge. Some candidates did not even take part in the survey.
Will you vow to take the ‘Rainbow Pledge’ put forth by The Victorian Pride Lobby, and support the priorities of LGBTQIA+ people within our community?
Information about the Pledge and Survey can be found here: https://rainbowvotes.com.au/
I have very happily taken the Rainbow Pledge and will take the lead from our LGBTQIA+ steering groups, committees and community on any additional practical measures.
Castlemaine Safe Space is a non-clinical drop in Space for anyone in emotional distress, or experiencing loneliness or suicidal thoughts. We are community designed and led, and staffed by trained peer volunteers with lived experience.
Would you support and advocate for future funding to ensure the sustainability of Castlemaine Safe Space, and if so, how would you do this?
Castlemaine Safe Space provides a valuable community service. I would take the lead from Castlemaine Safe Space and community advocates and support any reasonable measure to ensure its sustainability.
Would you prioritise emergency housing for people experiencing homelessness? If so, how would you do this?
I would take the lead of experts such as My Home Network on this. It is clear our community needs strong action to address this issue and I would support any practical measure which would help people experiencing homelessness.
School Strike For Climate is a network of school students united by our concern for the future of our planet and all life on it.
What role do you think that Council can play in fighting the climate crisis? And what do you think are its limitations?
It is very important that Council do everything it can to minimise its environmental impacts. It also can and should play an important role in modelling and advocating for broader positive change across the community. We can reduce carbon emissions, we can promote carbon capturing ecosystems, we can reach better waste and recycling outcomes, we can build better homes and more sustainable homes and communities. Council should be front and centre in all these.
Would you advocate at a State and Federal level to take stronger climate action if you were elected?
Councils are the closest tier of government to communities. For this reason they are best-placed to understand the needs and opinions of their community and play an incredibly important role in representing the interests of their community and advocating for positive change.
Councils have a long history of influencing state and federal government issues, and they are uniquely placed to advocate on behalf of the communities they represent.
With this in mind, what is your view on the current Council’s decision in early 2024 to adopt a policy which allows Council to abstain from international, national, and state issues, particularly on issues that impact members of our community?
Where councils can have a positive impact on national and international issues, and there is significant community backing for it to do so, it is important that they do.
Central Victoria Climate Action is a grassroots community group made up of climate concerned citizens working together for climate action.
Given that MASC declared a climate emergency and the UN peak scientific climate body the IPCC said in March 2023 that there can be no new fossil fuel projects if we are to have even a chance of aligning with Paris, will you support council taking action to change its default super fund for its employees to an ethical fund that has ruled out investing in companies doing new fossil fuel projects?
I will support any practical measure that brings us in line with our commitments to the environment and to mitigate the effects of climate change. This includes measures such as changing Council employees’ default super fund.
What are your attitudes to Forest fire management Victoria's flawed policy on planned burning in Victorian forests?
For more information, check here:
I will support any practical endeavour to improve how we manage our land - especially when this can improve safety and biodiversity outcomes for our shire. We should be constantly reviewing our practices against current data and evidence and updating our practices accordingly. As the government body closest to the ground, Council can and should be monitoring the programs of State and Federal agencies to ensure best practices are being followed in our shire. I will support a review of the impacts of planned burning in our shire so the council can advocate and respond effectively.
Mount Alexander Shire Council declared a climate emergency in 2019 with the aim of reaching zero carbon emissions by 2030.
If you are elected, will you ensure that all of Council's financial transactions and commitments are transparent in regard to climate and First Nations justice, human rights and the environment? If so, how will you do this?
As a member of the Greens I am committed to transparency and accountability in government. This is especially important around issues of climate and First Nations justice, human rights and the environment. I will push for any practical measure to uphold these principles and and will take the lead from organisations and community members as to any practical ways these could be achieved.
Free Palestine Central Victoria is a Castlemaine-based community organising + action group, in solidarity with Palestine.
If elected as a local Councillor at the October 2024 Local Government Elections, do you commit to support a Council Resolution denouncing Israel’s Occupation, Apartheid, and Genocidal War on Palestine?
Where there are significant divisions in our community, Council can and should be leading the necessary advocacy to heal our communities' fractures. Silence on important issues is not helpful and can deepen rifts and the marginalisation of community members and groups.
Council can and should take principled stances against apartheid, genocide and human rights abuses - including denouncing Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories, while being sensitive to and inclusive of all community members. I will support any practical action in this regard.
If elected as a local Councillor at the October 2024 Local Government Elections, do you commit to ensure the Council adopts an active and consistent position on human rights and demonstrates this by formally committing to Cultural Diversity and Inclusion within the first two years?
Upholding human rights, particularly Cultural Diversity and Inclusion is of paramount importance - especially as we work towards an equitable society.
I will commit to any practical measure which will promote and work towards cultural diversity and inclusion. Where there are systemic barriers to this or acute needs, I will take the lead from community groups and constituents to ensure issues are being addressed.
If elected as a local Councillor at the October 2024 Local Government Elections, do you commit to update the Council's procurement and investment policies to avoid and divest from companies that support or profit from internationally recognised human rights abuses, and increase the transparency of Council’s financial transactions and commitments?
Council should not be doing business with companies that profit from human rights abuses. I will support updating the Council's procurement and investment policies wherever practical and effective.
MASARG is an independent, non political, not for profit charitable organisation working with people with intellectual disabilities and their carers in Castlemaine and surrounds. MASARG built a much needed respite house in Melissa CRT, McKenzies Hill Castlemaine that was opened in 2016. MASARG are now advocating for the right for people with an intellectual disability to have safe, secure and affordable long term housing in Castlemaine.
Do you acknowledge that the needs of people with disabilities, and particularly those with intellectual disabilities, are different to others and how will this be considered in decisions about social and affordable housing?
Yes, absolutely. State and Federal Governments are failing Vicorians on public and social housing, including those for people with disabilities. I will be pushing for the council to advocate strongly for our State and Federal Governments to build the public and social housing we need. I will also be pushing for council-initiated affordable housing projects which cater for specific needs of the community, including people with disabilities.
Mount Alexander Shire Disability Advocacy Group (MASDAG) is an independent volunteer advocate proudly auspiced by Castlemaine Community House. Our aim is to remove barriers and promote systemic change that supports equitable social participation for people with the wide range of disabilities in Mount Alexander Shire, their families and friends.
Are you aware of the Mount Alexander Disability and Inclusion Action Plan?
Would you fully support all aspects of accessibility in the shire as outlined in this plan - removing barriers for employment, the built environment, public spaces including footpaths and toilets, transport, etc.?
Yes - I will support any practical measure which will make our shire more accessible. Upholding prior commitments such as those outlined in the Mount Alexander Disability and Inclusion Action Plan should be the first step in improving accessibility in our shire.
My Home Network is a local network made up of local people with lived experience of housing crisis and homelessness, community members with diverse expertise and community and government organisations. The network believes that everyone has a right to safe, affordable, secure, sustainable and appropriate housing that recognises their place in and connections to Community and Country.
Current work includes that of the Homeshare community, tiny homes on wheels, tenants rights working group, vacant dwellings and advocacy working groups and rough sleeper action group and advocating for a Solar bank to ensure equitable access for all community members to affordable renewable energy.
The My Home Network works closely with Mount Alexander Shire Council across various departments and with the permanent full time housing solutions broker Clare Richards.
We support Council in their work to address the housing crisis -see Let's talk about affordable housing | Shape Mount Alexander which is essentially about bringing diverse social housing to Mount Alexander Shire (we need 600 more social housing units) and setting up a Mount Alexander Charitable Affordable Housing Trust (MAAHT).
They are also in the process of employing a Homelessness coordinator who will scope, support and coordinate formal and informal Homelessness supports in the Shire.
If elected, would you join the My Home Network (MHN) and support our work?
MHN provides an invaluable service to our community and we are lucky to have such dedicated advocates and organisations in our shire. I look forward to working with them and supporting their important initiatives.
Would you support the improved integration of housing across different departments within Council?
I would support any practical measure to improve the delivery of housing and council's administration of housing solutions.
Would you support MHN’s advocacy to Council to improve the Tiny Homes On Wheels (THOW) local law in having nationally approved onsite waste management systems as an option (currently waste management has to be off site) and allowing a financial exchange between the THOW owner or occupier and land owner?
This presents a significant solution for some of our community members most affected by our housing affordability crisis. It should be supported and expanded in any practical way, while mitigating environmental and safety impacts.
Would you support MHN’s advocacy to Council to engage with the Shire’s residents to encourage the release of the over 1000 vacant dwellings (this doesn’t include primary and secondary Air BnBs) in our Shire as affordable rentals or transition housing?
The lack of affordable housing in our shire is pushing young people and essential workers out of our shire. This is having negative impacts on families and our essential services, which are struggling to find workers. Council needs to be doing everything it can to make housing more affordable. Releasing vacant dwellings is an important step, as is promoting housing diversity in development, advocating for public and social housing and collaborating with housing organisations to build new affordable housing.
Rural Australians for Refugees Castlemaine is a grassroots, volunteer-led community group who are united in supporting a compassionate approach towards refugees and people seeking asylum.
In 2014 Mount Alexander Shire made a statement of commitment to being a Refugee Welcome Zone. Council, in conjunction with Rural Australians for Refugees Castlemaine and Loddon Campaspe Multicultural Services, developed an action plan for the years 2018-2021.
Would you support re-stating the commitment declaring Mount Alexander Shire a Refugee Welcome Zone and advocate for a review of the action plan?
The Australian Greens believe that Australia's cultural, ethnic and linguistic diversity should be celebrated for greatly enriching our society and economy and that refugees be treated with dignity. Local governments are best placed to ensure welcoming, safe and inclusive interactions with services and local government functions.
As this document has lapsed, the Council should, as a priority, review this plan and restate its commitments. This would ensure the good work already done in this area is carried forward.
What would you do to welcome refugees and promote inclusiveness and acceptance of cultural diversity in the Shire?
I will push for Council to review its progress towards the previously committed Action Plan, and consult with local advocacy groups to work out the best way for Council to welcome refugees and promote inclusiveness and acceptance of cultural diversity in the shire.
Billy Lister - Young Citizen of the Year 2022, representative of Mount Alexander Shire Youth Advisory Group and Castlemaine Secondary College Student representative council canvassed young people in the Mount Alexander Shire to present a series of questions for the candidates in the Mount Alexander Shire local council election.
The 2023-2026 Mount Alexander Shire Middle Years Plan was adopted last year, how would you ensure that those recommendations are implemented and delivered efficiently?
I will liaise and seek feedback from middle years children and families and Council executives to ascertain Council’s progress towards the middle years priority areas.
Young people across the world, country and shire are facing profound challenges when it comes to mental health and wellbeing. Council's Pillar of - a healthy, connected and inclusive community - strongly aligns with this issue. How will you ensure that this Pillar can promote the future and mental health of young people's mental health in the shire?
Mount Alexander Greens have identified a significant services gap in youth mental health in our shire. I will push to expand youth services and activities and seek for Council to advocate to State and Federal governments to bring more services to our shire. I’m also aware that housing and cost-of-living stress can have a significant negative impact on families. In this situation kids can be significantly affected. I will push to make housing in our shire more affordable, including for young people, and to address cost of living through improving local services and advocating to State and Federal governments for the systemic change we need.
Council's Pillar of - a resilient and growing local economy - also includes a community that is inclusive and connected (2021-2025 council plan). How will you as a councillor listen to the voices of young people and ensure they are connected to council and their community?
Young people are the future of our shire and our community - literally. This should be front of mind in all Council’s decision making especially around things like climate change, housing and cost of living, as they are the ones who will be most affected. I will seek feedback from Bulortj Children and Youth Network and the Youth Advisory Group on any relevant topics. I also welcome feedback and input from young constituents, families and representatives, who can reach me any time by emailing lucas.maddock@vic.greens.org.au.